Special Guest Feature: Ayishat Akanbi

Photo by Finn Duran, 12, Spain

Photo by Finn Duran, 12, Spain


“They say the journey is better than the destination. I’ve come to know that isn’t only a saying. I love the transatlantic feel of this photo, to me it could be anywhere, but I get the sense that wherever it is, our young subject is in the middle of reflection. Not only of his own shadow and the way it merges with grey lines of the iron like gates to form a sort of holographic cage, but the photo brings to mind the feeling of indecision. It’s as if the young boy is about to embark on a journey of his own.

The near clenched hands and head tilt to the right makes the mysterious young boy appear apprehensive but resolute. There’s a long road ahead and although uncertain of where it leads he won’t turn back.

When I look at this image I think of the determination in the face of the unknown. The many daunting first steps we have to make in the process of creation and evolution. The way we too can be hounded by our own shadows, unable to know if we can step into the light or if we should stay where we are, the place that scares us but through familiarity is now safe.

The photograph is sensitive and thought-provoking, which is a captivating mix. It is an image that acknowledges the space between where we are and how far we have to go, but a necessary reminder that making this frightening leap is achievable.”



Ayishat Akanbi
Ayishat is a fashion stylist, cultural commentator and writer passionate about arts, psychology and politics. She has styled and consulted for Reebok, Nike, Adidas, Fila, Converse and Ellesse and her celebrity clients include Labrinth, Wretch 32, Amir Khan, Ed Sheeran, Koffee, Craig David and many more.
Ayishat has spoken at the Sydney Opera House, V&A Museum, Tate Museum, The Design Museum and Google. She aims to help make politics more engaging for young people and campaigns for it to be taught in schools, and is an active supporter of budding creators and young entrepreneurs and academics.